Brrr, gives me the willies...
The leader in the money raising race to gain the White House for the Republicans, other than Mitt Romney, says some extremely scary stuff. It is unbelievable that anyone can take this guy seriously as a candidate after the damage he has done in Texas with his governorship. More amazingly, he knows how to raise money and looks the part of a serious candidate... it is what comes out of his mouth that gives me the shudders. Here are a few things he said yesterday when he announced he is entering the 2012 race for the Presidency.
The Hispanic voter cannot be any too happy about this guy either. He has such gems tucked away in his past as:
opposing the Affordable Care Act
opposes any form of amnesty for illegal aliens
further militarized the national border along Texas at a cost of over $400 million since 2005
Everywhere you look inside of Texas, even among the conservative business groups, he is not the most popular Dude of this century:
"...the "Texas Miracle" may have run out of gas in 2011. Texas faced a massive deficit and recently approved a state budget with $15 billion in spending cuts, including $4 billion in cuts to public education spending."
Texas Democratic Party spokeswoman Kirsten Gray, "Not surprising, Rick Perry is making his announcement in South Carolina instead of Texas – there's nowhere in the Lone Star State he could announce without an angry mob showing up,"
His money raising has put him in the midst of some fairly slimy folks... long time connections:
Of the seven Super PACs supporting Perry: Make Us Great Again, Jobs for Vets Fund, Veterans for Rick Perry, Americans for Rick Perry, have close ties to illegal activity, violation of federal campaign laws, and shady strategies.
Euwww, We've been slimed...
Much of what he brags about is pure nonsense, the Texas Miracle is anything but:
"The Texas budget for the next two years is a mess of accounting tricks and gutted programs, thanks to an unprecedented budget shortfall."
Rip off's for all at the expense of kid's education.
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