Saturday, January 12, 2019

Wondering About Compromise

As we have learned Donald J. Trump has been being investigated for his possibly being compromised by the Russians.  It was after he fired James Comey that the investigation began.  So the answer that DJT demanded from Comey about whether or not he was under investigation turns out to have been, "Not yet."

From his erratic behavior in the many months since then a pattern has arisen that says clearly that DJT was and is compromised by the Russians although the report has yet to be released on the definitive answers to all those questions.  Along the way we have also seen the nature of his appointments to offices and his attempts to compromise others.  The one that is the most baffling at the moment is all about Mitch McConnell.  I mean, Mitchy's wife was appointed as Secretary of Transportation.  This accomplished bringing Ol' Mitch into the fold.  Later a relative of Mitchy was appointed to a position within the Department of Labor.  Mitch  now acts to stop any legislation that would put DJT in a difficult position.  The Trumpster shuts down government and Mitchy won't allow the Senate to vote on funding the government because it will not have the funding for the wall that DJT wants.  The normal way this would work is that the bill would pass, as it has already, and be sent to Trump's desk for signature.  Then the President would veto, either by directly vetoing or by a pocket veto and the Senate would have the opportunity to override the veto by voting again.  Mitch shows he is compromised by not allowing the Constitutionally authorized method of handling the problem to work its way out.  He has short stopped democracy.

 Something to ponder is what steps the Senators will take to restore democracy.  It seems likely that given the recent history of the Senate they (the Republican majority) are not going to do anything.  If that is the case what steps can the rest of the country take to remedy this problem.  "The Wall" is just a symptom of Trump's corruption and the shut down is now the Trump/McConnell Shut Down.