A response by tssent to an article in Huff-Post (Romney's Ground Game) about Romney's increased level of desperation pretty much said it all:
Well, Mr. Datchok, perhaps you can wipe your tears away long
enough to consider all the wrong directions Obama is sending
this country:
U.S. Exports: Double-digit gains;
Stock Market: More than doubled;
All 4.4 million jobs Bush lost, recovered by Obama;
30 Straight months of growth;
4-year low in foreclosures;
4-year high in new construction;
By Executive Order,
Amnesty to Immigrants since a
Republican-controlled Congress has refused to
act on the matter for nearly 4 years;
Cut taxes for 160m Americans;
Wall street reform passed;
Imports from other countries, down;
18 new tax cuts for small businesses;
Taxes of average American are down by $3600;
Unfair credit card fees eliminated;
2.5 million new manufacturing jobs created;
$1 T in spending cuts;
Reproduction Rights protected;
Stem Cell Research funded;
Efficiency Standards Doubled;
U.S. Oil Production, 8-year high;
Natural Gas Production, all-time high;
Renewable energy production up 27%;
Seniors' 401Ks have DOUBLED or even better;
First Latina supreme court justice appointed;
Torture banned;
$100 billion invested in science and research;
Iraq War Ended;
Afghanistan War ends 2014 and all troops return home;
Libya Liberated;
Osama Bin Laden Dead;
Incentive to Hire Unemployed Veterans;
Don't Ask Don't Tell Ended;
Unemployment Benefits Extended;
Equal Pay for Women Protected;
Health Care Reform Passed;
Seniors' Drug Costs Lowered;
College Pell Grants Doubled;
Guaranteed Coverage for Contraception;
Medicare and Soc Sec Protected, and finally,
Auto Industry Saved
Let me know if you run out of kleenex, you ingrate.
OBAMA 2012
ROMNEY // RYAN 1040s
That's exactly what the Obama campaign is pointing out to everyone.
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