Sunday, December 30, 2012

R's v. D's: Which Way?

It just seems incomprehensible that anyone would take up the banner of the Republican party these days.  Failed policies, failed ideals and doing the things that hurt us the most.  Pushing for the ALEC agenda is not a good thing.

No party is perfect but I would say that the Repub's are way out there on the bad scale.

From Sanjay Sanghoee's blog; " From the time that President Obama first took office in 2009 through the elections in 2012, the GOP has been running on the platform of economic despair, and in fact, seems to have bet its entire future on it."

The rest of the blog.

It is this running toward austerity that puts me on edge.  We have what it takes to put the country back in the black on all levels and yet the R's want us to believe that we are broke and broken.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Positive Steps

This is a link to an article that was enjoyable on so many levels.  Too many people have criticism without benefit of facts.

What has Obama done right, you ask?

It is an interesting presentation of facts.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Economics 401

The core problem we face is that R's do not have a handle on what they are actually saying.  Message to the nation: "Listen to our worn out lies rather than see what we do with the money when we are in power.  Ignore the man behind the curtain."  Long, long term deficits matter but short term they are not what the R's make them out to be.  If you get folks back to work the deficit solves itself through taxes paid by working people.  The R's want the trickle up to continue bankrupting the country.  Their handlers are sucking up the oxygen in the atmosphere and demanding more.

Quit listening to stupid and you will feel better immediately.  WE are not broke or broken.  Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are not the source of any problem.  When the rich pay their fair share government can function perfectly well.  They already deny the economy all that cash they have stashed overseas (More than $2 trillion) and keep trying to convince you it's all your fault.  Quit listening to stupid and read more about what economics is and is not.  The R's want to bury you with B.S. and hope you don't see their collective hand in the cookie jar.  Remember that in 2014.

Paul Krugman slams deficit hawks.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

NRA Follows Stupid with More Stupid

This headline says it all:

Teachers call NRA irresponsible & delusional.

But wait, there's more.

Now the NRA tries to defend what they have said by starting to appear on the radio and TV stations.  There is no defense for proposing that EVERY school have armed guards.  The Republicans block every expansion of police, fire and teachers but the NRA ignores that portion of their supposed base and says the opposite.  There is ZERO chance that any proposal so dismally poor could turn into a law or series of laws.  It doesn't mean that they can't propose it however.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

The NRA is the Picture of Stupid

This article is the center of a long debate we, in the U.S. need to have:

NRA Press Conference

With his statement LaPierre just voted the NRA out of the national discussion (and off the island). 

Military style guns in the hands of everyone who wants one needs to end.  The logic for the position that says we need more guns is so flawed (and has been for a long time) that repeating it just makes one sound as if they have a negative number to represent their I.Q. 

There is no doubt that some will own guns no matter what the laws are.  There will always be crazy people.  You cannot legislate against every ill.  But, you can bring the number and types of guns under control and seek to have more effective mental health system.  You can and should keep panic buttons in the classroom... you don't have arm every school.  There are things that can be done to enforce a back ground check.  These are constructive ideas that can be made real... right now.  To say more guns are needed to solve this national disgrace is ignorant and short sighted.

With Joe Biden being assigned the task of bringing ideas to Congress for gun control and other ways to limit the damage that gun wielding crazy people have we can all chime in on ways we think we can control the violence.   Pointing a finger at violent video games should be part of the national discussion as well as discussing a review by skilled psychiatric personnel to obtain a license for a gun, any gun, might be part of what we should be looking at.  Ending the gun show purchase option without a back ground check should be a part of the law we create.  Limiting the clip size for all public weapons is likely a piece. 

Yes, gun collectors will still collect.  Yes, target shooters will still shoot targets.  But, we need to limit the damage a gun can cause in the wrong hands.  It is not too much to ask and it is way past time to demand it.   

There are lots of ideas out there and this time we need to implement some of them