Monday, November 5, 2018

Blending In

As for who is the President of the United Sates one has to wonder if we are governed by Donald J Trump (DJT) or Donald Duck?  I mean, the President cannot be as ignorant as he seems (or claims) to be. The item from about a week ago was DJT saying that he always tried to tell the truth... when he could.  This stuck with me for obvious reasons.  DJT's problem is that he does not seem capable of telling what truth is and therefore he is unable to tell the truth because he does not know what the truth might be.

Beyond that there are a number of items that are distressing right now.  On the horizon is the possibility of a Constitutional Convention.  This is where the 1% has been driving us for quite some time.  The rich are attempting to rewrite our constitution in a way that will favor them even more than they already are.  They require Republican Governors in 38 states to bring this about.  They need adherence to their ruthless "free market" economic policies.  Let me say right now, there is no such thing as a free market.  It cannot exist.  All markets exist because there have rules created to make them happen.  Within those rules are the ways in which it is allowed or not allowed to make money, exchange goods and services or be taxed.  Taxes are also one of the ways in which we control how this works.  It is taxes that shape the market.  It is taxes and the spending of them that determine our humanity or lack of humanity.  A Constitutional Convention run by the 1% is the greatest threat to a democracy continuing to exist in the USA.


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